A survey course reviewing primary psychological research and theories of human behavior. Laboratory experience exposes students to psychology as a research science.
Measurement; descriptive statistics; probability and sampling; T-test, ANOVA, correlation, and regression. Prerequisite: 110; some college mathematics recommended.
Psychological processes underlying social behavior; topics include social cognition, attraction, aggression, prejudice, and behavior in groups. Prerequisite: 110.
PSYCH 204 Social Psychology (Special section for residents of the Southwest Neighborhood)
Psychological processes underlying social behavior; topics include social cognition, attraction, aggression, prejudice, and behavior in groups. Prerequisite: 110.
Methods of psychological research; experimental design; reliability and validity; review and application of statistics; execution and reporting of psychological research. Prerequisite: 201.
Lecture M 3:00-3:50pm Discussion W 3:00-4:50pm, 5:00-6:50pm
PSYCH 205 Research Methods
Methods of psychological research; experimental design; reliability and validity; review and application of statistics; execution and reporting of psychological research. Prerequisite: 201.
Methods of psychological research; experimental design; reliability and validity; review and application of statistics; execution and reporting of psychological research. Prerequisite: 201.
Designed for students with no prior coursework in neuroscience or biology. Neurophysiology and neuroanatomy; neuroscience of perception, emotion, morality, memory, mental illness, and consciousness.
Nature of personality and its development. Modern theoretical interpretations. Biological and social bases of individual differences. Prerequisite: 110.
Understanding the nature of psychological, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Emphasis on current evidence regarding causes and characteristics of these disorders. Prerequisite: 110.
Definition and history of clinical psychology, personality theory in clinical psychology, diagnosis and classification of disorders, assessment, psychotherapy, and ethical issues. Prerequisite: 303.
Exposure to original research and theoretical perspectives on language and its relation to thought and behavior. Critical analysis of theories and methods. Topics may vary. Prerequisites: 205; 228 or COG SCI 211.
Key developments in the field of positive psychology. Rudaimonic and hedonic well-being, mindfulness and flow, importance of social connections, emotional resilience, positive institutions. Prerequisite: 110.
PSYCH 357 Advanced Seminar in Personality, Clinical, or Social Psychology: Real-world applications of recent psych research
Discussion and critical analysis of research methods and findings in an area of personality, clinical, and/or social psychology. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic. Prerequisite: 205; additional prerequisites may apply.
Study of brain processes underlying cognition. Analysis of brain structure and function. Introduction to imaging techniques including fMRI, PET, and ERP. Prerequisites: 205; a course in cognition and/or neuroscience (e.g., 212, 228, 312-1, 361; COG SCI 210) or consent of instructor.
Major forms of psychopathology present during childhood, including disorders exclusive to childhood and those that may appear during any developmental period. Developmental models of the etiology and course of major psychopathologies. Prerequisites: 205; 218 or 303.
Didactic and applied instruction in diagnosis of psychological disorders; diagnostic interviewing, organic assessment, and personality assessment. Arranged with the clinical program director. Three-quarter sequence.
This practicum will cover the theory, history, emprical evidence, and clinical techniques on the assessment and treatment of anxiety disorders, emphasizing cognitive-behavioral approaches.
Current theories of reasoning in cognitive science; mental steps in solving problems requiring inductive or deductive inferences. Covers relevant background in logic and artificial intelligence and empirical results on reasoning. Prerequisite: one course in either cognitive psychology, logic, or artificial intelligence.
Cognitive development in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Focus on theoretical explanations for cognitive change and development in core domains, including language, space, number, time, and social relations.
Surveys social psychological theory and attitudes. Considers attitude measurement, attitude structure, attitudes as predictors of behavior, and attitude change. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
The nature and functions of theory in psychology. Major theoretical approaches to personality: dynamic, phenomenological, trait, social-psychological, sociological, and behavioral.