A survey course reviewing primary psychological research and theories of human behavior. Laboratory experience exposes students to psychology as a research science.
Measurement; descriptive statistics; probability and sampling; T-test, ANOVA, correlation, and regression. Prerequisite: 110; some college mathematics recommended.
Psychological processes underlying social behavior; topics include social cognition, attraction, aggression, prejudice, and behavior in groups. Prerequisite: 110.
Methods of psychological research; experimental design; reliability and validity; review and application of statistics; execution and reporting of psychological research. Prerequisite: 201.
Methods of psychological research; experimental design; reliability and validity; review and application of statistics; execution and reporting of psychological research. Prerequisite: 201.
Methods of psychological research; experimental design; reliability and validity; review and application of statistics; execution and reporting of psychological research. Prerequisite: 201.
Methods of psychological research; experimental design; reliability and validity; review and application of statistics; execution and reporting of psychological research. Prerequisite: 201.
Nature of personality and its development. Modern theoretical interpretations. Biological and social bases of individual differences. Prerequisite: 110.
Understanding the nature of psychological, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Emphasis on current evidence regarding causes and characteristics of these disorders. Prerequisite: 110.
Human perception, particularly vision but also hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Biological foundations, development, and disorders of perception. The senses in everyday life. Prerequisite: 110.
Human decision making from both descriptive and prescriptive perspectives. Theories and models of decision making applied to a variety of contexts. Prerequisites: 205, 228.
PSYCH 357 Advanced Seminar in Personality, Clinical, or Social Psychology: Scientific Controversies in Social Psychology
Discussion and critical analysis of research methods and findings in an area of personality, clinical, and/or social psychology. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic. Prerequisite: 205; additional prerequisites may apply.
Discussion and critical analysis of research methods and findings in psychology. Interdisciplinary focus, often spanning natural and social science aspects of psychology. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic. Prerequisite: 205; additional prerequisites may apply.
Examines from a developmental perspective research on children’s involvement in the legal system as decision makers, witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. Prerequisites: 205, 218.
Analysis of the causes and consequences of stereotyping and prejudice, as well as methods used to study these issues. Students conduct original research. Prerequisites: 204, 205.
Design, implementation, and reporting of a psychology research project. Weinberg College limits on 398 and 399 enrollments also apply to 397.Prerequisites:PSYCH 205-0and consent of instructor;PSYCH 397-2must be taken with the same professor as PSYCH 397-1.
Design, implementation, and reporting of a psychology research project. Weinberg College limits on 398 and 399 enrollments also apply to 397.Prerequisites:PSYCH 205-0and consent of instructor;PSYCH 397-2must be taken with the same professor as PSYCH 397-1.
Didactic and applied instruction in diagnosis of psychological disorders; diagnostic interviewing, organic assessment, and personality assessment. Arranged with the clinical program director. Three-quarter sequence.
This practicum will cover the theory, history, emprical evidence, and clinical techniques on the assessment and treatment of anxiety disorders, emphasizing cognitive-behavioral approaches.
Research and theories on the origins of various forms of psychopathology. Topics include schizophrenia, addictive disorders, psychopathy, personality disorders, eating disorders, psychosexual disorders, depression, and anxiety disorders. Also, issues regarding classification of psychiatric disorders. Two-quarter sequence.
PSYCH 424 Behavioral and Neural Bases of Visual Perception
Reviews current understanding of the encoding of visual information on the basis of behavioral, neurophysiological, and neuropsychological evidence. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
PSYCH 453-1 Linear Models: Correlation and Regression
Linear models approach to design and analysis of experiments and quasi-experiments. Basic concepts in correlation and regression: partial and semipartial correlation, matrix notation, least squares methods, and dummy variables.
Psychology of comparison, including theories of similarity, analogy and metaphor in psychology and artificial intelligence; processes of transfer, comparison in decision making; analogy in mental models and folk theories; and development of analogy and similarity.
PSYCH 489 Topics in Social Psych: Motivated Thinking
Description not available.
Bio coming soon
*Psych 205 is a prerequisite for ALL upper-level research courses. Many have other prerequisites as well.
Column and Row Designations
Column: A = social/personality/clinical; B=cognitive/neuroscience; C=cross-cutting/integrative
Row: 1=foundation courses; 2=upper-level research courses
Psychology and Cognitive Science majors and minors can preregister for most courses through CAESAR the week prior to registration. Times are announced by the Registrar's Office. You can preregister for a maximum of 2 courses.
For Psych 397 and 399, download an application from the department website (you can find it here). Fill it out and have it signed by the professor with whom you will be working. Then, return it to the department office to receive permission to take the course. Psych 398-1,2,3 is sequential with 398-1 offered in Fall quarter, 398-2 in Winter, and 398-3 in Spring.