Registration Resources for Psychology Students
Psychology Class Schedules. The psychology department provides two types of tables of upcoming classes:
- Quarterly class schedules. Shortly before registration for each quarter the department posts a table of classes for the coming quarter. In addition to information on meeting days and times, the table shows which major and minor requirements each class fulfills and whether you need permission to enroll.
- Yearly class schedules. Each spring the department posts a table of planned courses for the coming year. The table is updated as changes occur and is a good resource for longer term planning.
Swift Thinking. A new issue of the Psychology Undergraduate Newsletter is posted about two weeks before registration. In addition to other department information and announcements, the newsletter includes information on such topics as:
- Special classes for the coming quarter
- Preregistration
- Wait lists
- Enrolling in classes that require department permission
Preregistration. Students who have declared a psychology major or minor in psychology can preregister for most psychology courses. This means that they can register earlier than students who have not declared. Preregistration times are set by the Registrar’s Office each quarter.