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Richard Zinbarg


Research Interests

Personality traits that might act as vulnerability factors to the development of anxiety and depressive disorders including the cognitive and affective processes that might mediate these associations; psychotherapy for anxiety disorders including both cognitive-behavior therapy and mindfulness approaches; prevention of anxiety and depressive disorders; the structure and measurement of anxiety and related affects; measurement and psychometric theory.

Selected Publications

Nunez, M., Mittal, V. & Zinbarg, R.  (2019). Efficacy and mechanisms of non-invasive brain stimulation to enhance exposure therapy: A review.  Clinical Psychology Review, 70, 64-78.

 Zinbarg, R., Mineka, S., Bobova, L., Craske, M. Vrshek-Schallhorn, S., Griffith, J., Wolitzky-Taylor, K., Waters, A. Sumner, J. & Anand, D. (2016).  Testing a hierarchical model of neuroticism and its facets:  Prospective associations with onsets of anxiety disorders and unipolar mood disorders over three years in adolescents.  Clinical Psychological Science, 4, 805 – 824.

 Naragon-Gainey, K., Prenoveau, J.M., Brown, T.A., & Zinbarg, R.E. (2016).  A comparison and integration of structural models of depression and anxiety in a clinical sample: Support for and validation of the tri-level model.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125, 853-867.

 Zinbarg, R., Suzuki, S, Uliaszek, A. & Lewis, A. (2010).  Biased parameter estimates and Inflated type I error rates in analysis of covariance (and analysis of partial variance) arising from unreliability:  Alternatives and remedial strategies. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119, 307 – 319.

 Prenoveau, J.M., Zinbarg, R., Craske, M., Mineka, S. Giffith, J. & Epstein, A.  (2010).  Testing a hierarchical model of anxiety and depression in adolescents: A tri-level model.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24, 334 – 344. 

 Yoon, L. & Zinbarg, R. (2008).  Interpreting Neutral Faces as Threatening is a Default Mode for Socially Anxious Individuals.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117, 680 – 685.

Zinbarg, R., Yovel, I., Revelle, W. & McDonald, R.  (2006). Estimating generalizability to a universe of indicators that all have an attribute in common:  A comparison of estimators for .  Applied Psychological Measurement, 30, 121 – 144.