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Fall 2020 Class Schedule

fall 2020 class Schedule

Course Title Area Col,Row Instructor Day/Time Pre-Reg
PSYCH 101  First-Year Seminar: Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment - Psychological and Economic Themes Gorvine MWF 9:10AM-10:00AM
PSYCH 101 First-Year Seminar: Being Female in the 21st Century Pennington MW 11:20AM-12:40PM
PSYCH 101 First-Year Seminar: Music and the Mind Smith TTh 9:40AM-11:00AM
PSYCH 110 Introduction to Psychology Core Broaders MW 11:20AM-12:40PM Yes
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods Core Bailey MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Yes


Research Methods


Core Reber MWF 10:20AM-11:10AM Yes
PSYCH 205 Research Methods Core Uttal TTh 4:20PM-5:40PM Yes
PSYCH 205 Research Methods Core Perry MW 4:20PM-5:40PM Yes
PSYCH 205 Research Methods Core Levy Chung TTh 9:40AM- 11:00AM Yes
PSYCH 213 Social Psychology A,1 Molden TTh 11:20AM-12:40PM Yes
PSYCH 215 Psychology of Personality A,1 McAdams TTh 5:00PM-6:20PM Yes
PSYCH 228 Cognitive Psychology B,1 Horton TTh 1:00PM-2:20PM Yes
PSYCH 244 Developmental Psychology (Incoming First-Year Students Only) C,1 Rogers Lecture:TTh 2:40PM-4:00PM Discussion Fri 9:00AM-9:50AM,1:50PM-2:40PM
PSYCH 245 Presenting Ideas & Data C,1 Franconeri Th 4:00PM-6:50PM Yes
PSYCH 303 Psychopathology A,1 Engeln MW 4:20PM-5:40PM Yes
PSYCH 310 Special Topics in Social/Pers/Clin: Identity & Motivation A,1 Destin MW 9:40AM-11:00AM Yes
PSYCH 317 The Holocaust: Psychological Themes
and Perspectives
A,1 Gorvine MW 11:20AM-12:40PM No
PSYCH 320 Intermediate Neuroscience B,1 Rosenfeld TTh 2:40PM-4:00PM Yes
PSYCH 324 Perception B,1 Suzuki MW 5:00PM-6:20PM Yes
PSYCH 348 Psychology of Gender C,1 Engeln TTh 2:40PM-4:00PM Yes
PSYCH 350 Special Topics in Psychology: Using R for Analyses C,1 Revelle MW 3:00PM-5:00PM Yes
PSYCH 350 Special Topics in Psychology: Sportistics -Understanding Statistics Through Sports C,1 Smith MW 9:40AM-11:00AM Yes
PSYCH 364 Social & Personality Development A,2* Levy Chung TTh 1:00PM-2:20PM Yes
PSYCH 374 Human Memory B,2* Paller TTh 1:00PM-2:20PM Yes
PSYCH 390 Advanced Seminar in Personality, Clinical, or Social Psychology: Psychology of Race and Racism A,2* Perry MW 9:40AM-11:00AM Yes
PSYCH 391 Advanced Seminar in Cognition or Neuroscience: Psychology and Weird Beliefs B,2* Broaders Wed 2:00PM-4:50PM Yes
PSYCH 398 Senior Thesis Seminar 2 Molden Fri 12:00PM-2:50PM Yes
PSYCH 401-1 Psychology Proseminar: Biological & Cognitive Bases of Behavior All   Suzuki Fri 1:00PM-3:00PM
PSYCH 403 Clinical prsem Clinical Tackett Tue 4:00PM-5:00PM
PSYCH 411-1,2,3 Clinical Psychology Practicum Clinical Tackett
PSYCH 412-1,2,3 Assessment Practicum Clinical Zinbarg
PSYCH 413-1,2,3 Anxiety: Assessment & Treatment Clinical Sutton
PSYCH 414-1,2,3 Depression: Assessment & Treatment Clinical Sutton
PSYCH 415-1,2,3 Treatment Practicum: Family & Systems Approach Clinical  Lebow
PSYCH 416-1,2,3 Treatment Practicum: DBT Clinical  Maslar
PSYCH 421-1 Psychopathology Clinical  Mittal Thurs 2:30PM-5:20PM
PSYCH 434 Research Methods for Clinical Psychology



TTh 11:20-12:40pm

PSYCH 453 Linear Models: Regression & Correlation Stats Bailey TTh 6:00PM-7:20PM 
PSYCH 454  Structural Equation Modeling Stats Revelle MW 5:00PM-7:00PM 
PSYCH 460 Topics in Cognition: Communicating Your  Research Cog Franconeri Wed 2:00PM-4:50PM
PSYCH 466 Analogy & Similarity Cog   Gentner Tue 3:00PM-5:50PM
PSYCH 485 Psychology of Attitudes Social  Bodenhausen Mon 9:30AM-12:20PM
PSYCH 488 Social and Emotional Dev PNH Rogers Wed 9:30AM-12:20PM



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