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Paid Research Opportunities

The following studies are recruiting participants and pay for your time. Read the descriptions and requirements. If you are interested, email the researcher asking to participate. Information on some studies is also posted on bulletin boards in Swift Hall.


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Play games for brain science!


The Dynamic Brain Lab at Northwestern University is recruiting volunteers to participate in research on the brain dynamics underlying memory and cognitive control across the human lifespan. We are recruiting adults and children for multiple studies.

Participants will be compensated at $30/hour.

The research will take place in downtown Chicago.

Follow this link for more information, and to sign up:

Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Johnson, PhD

Study Title: Behavioral and neural mechanisms of memory across the lifespan

IRB#: STU00216728

Social Interactions Study


We are seeking young people to participate in a research project at Northwestern University about how the relationships between social networks, personality, and unusual thoughts some people may have fluctuate over a brief period. The goal of this research is to increase understanding of how social interactions influence mental health concerns and/or mental health concerns influence social interactions.

You may be eligible for this study if you are between 12 and 34 years of age. The study would entail coming in for 3 visits each approximately one week apart, and you will be compensated $25 per hour for your participation. During these sessions, you will complete questionnaires about unusual thoughts and experiences, mental health symptoms, and your social network and a brief interview with a researcher about your social life.

If you are interested, please email us at, and a member of our team will get back to you shortly.

Principal investigator: Dr. Vijay Mittal

Study Title: ORBITZ

IRB#: STU00203263

Individual Differences in Talker Identification


The SoundBrain Lab is seeking participants for a research study investigating how our brains identify and categorize different talkers/voices.

You may be eligible if:

  • You are between 18-35 years old.
  • You are a native speaker of English
  • You have no experience with Mandarin Chinese.
  • You have normal hearing (no hearing loss).
  • You have no history of neurological or psychological disorders.
  • You can travel to Northwestern’s Evanston campus.

Participation includes:

  • Hearing screening
  • Measure of pupil dilation during a listening task
    • This measure consists of resting your chin on a cushioned platform fixed to the desk you’re sitting at. You will be instructed to fix your gaze on a computer screen in front of you and respond to various sounds played over headphones.

All measures are non-invasive. Participation requires two 1-hour visits. These visits may be on the same day, separated by at least two hours, or on consecutive days. Participants will be compensated at $15/hour.

 If you are interested, please email for more information.

Principal Investigator: Bharath Chandrasekaran, PhD

Study Title: Neural Systems in Auditory and Speech Categorization

IRB#: STU00219433 

Psychosis Risk Outcomes Network Study


We are seeking young people who are concerned about recent changes in mood, thinking or behavior. This research project aims to increase understanding of mental health concerns in young people and how to prevent the development of a more serious mental illness such as psychosis.

You may be eligible for the study if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • Ages 12 - 30
  • Noticing a recent change in thinking, behavior, or experiences, such as:
  • Confusion about what is real or imaginary
  • Feeling not in control of your own thoughts of ideas
  • Feeling suspicious or paranoid
  • Having experiences that may not be real, such as hearing sounds or seeing things that may not be there
  • Having trouble communicating clearly


The study would entail visits over a 2-year period, and you would be paid $30 per hour for your participation.  Eligible participants will be asked to come in for various assessments including:

  • clinical interviews
  • biological assessments (MRI & EEG brain scans; blood and saliva testing)
  • cognitive testing


If you are interested, please email us at or fill out this online eligibility survey, and a member of our team will get back to you shortly.


Principal investigator: Dr. Vijay Mittal
Study Title: ProNET
IRB #: STU00215145

Good at sleeping?


The Cognitive Neuroscience Lab in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern is recruiting volunteers to participate in sleep research (STU00034353)

 Compensation is provided for studies ($12.50/hr)

You can participate in Chicago or at our sleep lab on the Evanston campus.

 To sign up and learn more about the The Paller Lab, visit: 

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ken Paller

Study Title: Strategically strengthening declarative memories during sleep: Learning, Creative Problem-Solving, REM Sleep, and Dreaming

IRB# STU00034353-MOD0044