Undergraduate Advising:
Several members of the department faculty serve as Undergraduate Advisors. Any of the advisors can meet with you about major and minor requirements, course selection, and how to plan an undergraduate program that will best prepare you for whatever you might do next. For more information about specific questions, see below.
- Graduation Petitions: Professors Broaders, Gorvine, Pennington, and Smith approve petitions to graduate. You start the process in the Frevvo system (see the Registrar’s website for more information), and then schedule an advising meeting for the form to be approved. The process of petitioning to graduate should be completed one year before your expected graduation date (typically in spring of your junior year).
- Transfer credits, study abroad course articulation, and questions about substitutions/exceptions to requirements. Sara Broaders or Ben Gorvine can approve courses taken abroad to count toward a psychology major or minor. They can also discuss other issues regarding substitutions for/exceptions to our requirements.
- Clinical psychology and related careers. Ben Gorvine can meet with students considering a career in clinical psychology (as a researcher or a practitioner) and/or other paths to becoming a therapist. You can schedule a meeting with Professor Gorvine by contacting the Undergraduate Program Assistant.
- Business careers. Ginger Pennington is an adviser who is also part of the Business Institutions Program. She can meet with students who are interested in careers in business.
- Graduate study in psychology. Professors Chen, Gardner, and Bailey will meet with students interested in pursuing graduate studies in any area of psychology. You can also directly contact any faculty member in the department whose interests are similar to your own for questions about becoming involved in research and/or graduate school questions.
How to Make an Appointment with an Undergraduate Advisor:
To make an appointment, send an email message to and include the reason for your appointment (graduation petition, study abroad, general questions, graduate school, research involvement, etc.). You can also stop by the department office, Swift 102, or call 847-467-0285 to schedule an appointment.
For General Program Questions:
If you have questions about officially declaring a major or minor, scheduling an advising appointment, or submitting an application for Psych 399-Independent Study or Psych 397-Advanced Supervised Research, contact the Undergraduate Program Assistant, Chris Kent at
Where to Find Additional Information:
- Department Office (Swift 102): Find handouts on our program and abstracts written by students who have done research with faculty members. Check out the bulletin boards as well.
- Swift Thinking: Newsletter that can help you register for courses each quarter.
- Department Website: It's got it all! Specifically look at the "Undergraduate" section to find major and minor requirements, upcoming courses, research information, and career options.
- Psychology Canvas: More information for Psych majors and minors.