
Hello and welcome to the Undergraduate Section of our website.
Northwestern University's Psychology Department is one of the strongest and most prestigious in the United States, and psychology is one of the most popular undergraduate majors at Northwestern. Our program combines a focus on people with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of data; it provides an excellent foundation for many career paths, as well as for graduate study in the field.
Students who major or minor in psychology take a common core of courses that provide a general introduction to the field, an understanding of the research techniques used by psychologists, and some hands-on research experience. Advanced courses provide both breadth and some degree of depth within the field. Tables showing major and minor requirements are available on our website and in the department office.
The department also offers many opportunities for students to interact with faculty members outside of formal classes. Many of our students participate in independent study under the guidance of a faculty member; they may become actively involved in original research or pursue a narrow topic in greater depth than is possible in our regular courses . Several members of our faculty serve as undergraduate advisers. Advisers can guide students as they choose among the many course offerings and research opportunities available within our department. In addition, our Undergraduate Psychology Association (UPA) sponsors activities that invite informal interactions among our students and members of the faculty.